Yemen keen on strengthening ties with Portugal: President says

SANA’A, April 09 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh affirmed Wednesday the country’s keenness on furthering its ties with Portugal. During his meeting here with Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado, president Saleh confirmed that the Yemeni-Portuguese relation is historical. Amado lauded the democratic experience in Yemen, indicating to his country’s support to the democratic and development processes here. He voiced the Portuguese government’s hail to the efforts president Saleh exerted to amend the Palestinian rift, noting to the significance of such endeavors to settle peace and stability in the region and at the international level as well. The meeting focused on means of enhancing bilateral Yemeni relations with Portugal in particular and with the European Union in general. It also dealt with a number of regional and international issues, especially last developments in Iraq and Palestine in addition to world efforts against terrorism. AF/AF Saba