Economy and fighting poverty is our battle: President Saleh

ADEN, May 27(Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh had a meeting here on Saturday with members of the Aden Local Council and the executive manager and officials in security and judiciary apparatuses.

The meeting discussed many topics related to the local authority, the executive bureau, public service projects implemented and those under implementation.

Saleh said that the achievements that had been accomplished after unity was just a dream before it for all Yemenis. “With unity the country has become strong and stable in spite of some fabrications that appear from time
to other”said Saleh.

He said that the government has concern now to build up the national economy and to go ahead in the economic reforms and fighting poverty
and to movefrom words to deeds,” president Saleh added.

” Our real battle is the economy and fighting corruption in spite of some challenges that face the political and economic reforms, but the positives prevail the negatives,” he said.

We have to encourage investments because it would create jobs, so we allocated YR 20 billion for the Bank of Agricultural Development and Population, president Saleh said.

He said all have to fight corruption and help to make more reforms.

Your decisions have to be collective and productive as a local authority “he said.

For his part, the governor of Aden Ahmad al- Kuhlani welcomed president Saleh, reviewing the achieved service projects in Aden.

He pointed out that during the 16th anniversary of unification would inaugurate many projects with a total cost of YR 15 billion, briefing
that president Saleh visits to Aden and other governorates prove his adherence to takeacre of people’s needs.