FM hands over President letter to Saudi King

RIYADH, Dec. 23 (Saba)- King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud received on Wednesday Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi who handed him a letter from President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The letter sheds lights on the bilateral relations between the two neighboring countries as well as means of reinforcing and developing them. During the meeting, King Al Saud affirmed support of the Saudi Kingdom for unity, security and stability of Yemen and the Kingdom’s stance by the Yemeni government in confronting the outlawed Houthi elements in Saada. The minister convoyed greetings of president Saleh for King Abdullah and his wishes for him of continuous health and more progress and prosperity for the Saudi people. Foreign Minister al-Qirbi returned back home Wednesday evening after an official short visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. AM/AM Saba