“I want to be soldier to serve nation”, says president Saleh

SANA’A, March 08 (Saba)-“I don’t want the chair of presidency or cabinet, I want to be a soldier to serve the nation and its unity,” President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Monday.In his lecture to the students of the Higher Military Academy in Sana’a capital, president Saleh said that if any one want power, he could have it via door not window, adding the power is available for all by elections box.He accused the opposition Joint Meeting Parties of erupting problems in Saada and some districts of the southern provinces, saying that these parties announced their solidarity with the separatists who block the roads, loot stores and kill innocent people in these districts.Regarding agreement signed with the JMP in February of 2009, president Saleh considered the deal as a big mistake made by the General People Congress Party (GPC). It was a big mistake by the GPC, he said, the party had to go ahead alone to hold parliamentary elections with participation of these parties or not.He said that this mistake would not be happened again, and elections would be held on time.President Saleh said that committees would be formed to hold a dialogue with all who like dialogue to discuss their demands and issues.The sustainable and comprehensive development is based on existence of strong security and military corporations that protect the security and stability of the nation from all dirty plots, he said.He urged the teaching staff of the academy to focus on scientific researches in order to evaluate performance of the military corporations practically, and find out solutions for negatives.He also pointed out to the role of these corporations since revolutions of 26th September and 14th October, saying that these corporations faced the attempt of separation in 1994 and rebellion in Saada province as well as acts committed by the outlaw elements that raised weapons in face of the state.President Saleh concluded his lecture by wishing success for the students of the academy.Then, the president inspected the study programs in the academy, urging the students to pay further efforts in field of scientific researches.AH