Million of Yemenis rally on Friday supporting constitutional legitimacy

SANA’A, July 29 (Saba) – Millions of Yemeni citizens partook on Friday in massive rallies in the public squares of the capital Sana’a and other governorates.In the capital Sana’a, crowds of people headed, after Friday prayer, for al-Sabeen Square confirming their firm attitudes supporting law and order and refusing sabotage and anarchy.The participants raised flag of Yemen and photos of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, chanting slogans denouncing any attempts to coup on constitutional legitimacy or any plots to drag Yemen into sedition and separations.They confirmed their loyalty to Allah and then to the nation, political leadership and the constitutional establishments. The crowds upheld the President’s call for dialogue and his all decisions to achieve the higher national interests, reiterating their call for the Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) to respect the will of the people, who supports the constitutional legitimacy, and to put the nation’s interests above all else and to sit at a table of dialogue to end the current crisis.AF