President assures of health conditions of senior officials

RIYADH, Sept. 16 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh visited on Friday a number of senior officials who were recovering in Saudi hospitals since suffering injuries in an attack at the presidential palace in Sana’a. During his visits, President Saleh assured of the health conditions of Parliament Speaker Yahya al-Ra’ee, deputy Prime Minister for Interior Affairs Sadeq Amin Abu Ras and deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security Affairs Rashad al-Alimi. He congratulated them on their safety from the injuries suffered in the 03 June terrorist attack which targeted the presidential palace as they were performing the Friday noon prayers. The officials expressed thanks and appreciation to the President for his constant follow-up on their health conditions and all Yemeni patients in Saudi hospitals. The President renewed gratitude to the Saudi leadership under King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz and his Crown Prince Sultan for their care and attention to several Yemeni officials in the Saudi hospitals. He also expressed higher and great appreciation for the sincere attitudes of the Saudi leadership, government and people towards Yemen’s unity, security, stability and development. President Saleh ordered the official bodies to transfer Abu Ras to Germany to continue his recovery there. Saba