President attends ceremony on Day of Education

SANA’A, July 31 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh attended on Saturday a ceremony on Day of Education and rewarding exemplary graduates from different Yemeni universities. In the opening session of the ceremony, president Saleh highlighted efforts of the ministry of higher education and leaderships of Yemeni universities in qualifying Yemeni students, welcoming new graduates to the labor market.He urged the graduates to avoid corrupted money and to work with clean hands to serve their nation, pointing out to the current corruption committed by people who are in and out of the power. Moreover, president Saleh affirmed that the Yemeni unification is very strong, saying that the rebel group in Saada province and outlaw elements in some districts of southern eastern provinces are few.The serious worry is terrorism and terror acts committed by al-Qaeda which harm investment in the country, he added.He called on all to gather efforts to face terrorism, rebellion, and outlaw elements, saying that all facilities would be provided for investors based on the Yemeni Law of Investment.President Saleh also called on neighboring and friendly countries to do further investments in the country not pump up money for the state treasury.He also urged the neighboring countries to receive Yemeni qualified workers in their labor markets.He criticized some media outlets that exaggerate events in the country, saying such exaggeration gives negative picture on Yemen.The security is steady and any outlaw act is being faced strongly with cooperation of honest people of the nation, president Saleh said.He pointed out to the agreement between the General People Congress party and the joint meeting parties to form a national dialogue committee, saying that the committee would hold its meeting in coming two days in accordance with the February Agreement signed between the two sides.President Saleh also called on al-Houthi rebels to comply with the six points, saying that the choice of the state is peace.”In their latest acts of aggression, the Huothi rebels attacked the MP Saghir Aziz in his home and army units,” Saleh said. “The state has abstained from all military action, while knowing that the rebels are pursuing other plans, as advocates of war who do not want peace.” “We will, however, insist on implementing the six provisions (of the truce) and on returning to peace,” he said, adding that he hoped to see Qatar “convince the rebels to apply the points of the ceasefire.” He concluded his speech by congratulating all on coming Holy month of Ramadan.The ceremony was organized by ministry of higher education and scientific research, ministry of youths and sports and Sana’a University.AH