President directs to put Marib Gas plant in service in 3 months

SANA’A, April 29 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh directed the government on Wednesday to put the first Marib gas-powered plant of 341 MW capacity in service within utmost three months.Attending a part of the cabinet’s exceptional meeting chaired by Prime Minister Ali Mujawar, President Saleh was briefed on a number of reports related to implementation of donor-funded projects within each ministry.He praised the brotherly and friendly countries which fulfilled their commitments in London Donor Conference to Yemen, directing the government to focus on the strategic projects funded by donors, topped by electrical energy, roads and others.Regarding dams project, President Saleh directed speeding up finalizing dam projects of Hassan in Abyan province and al-Khared in Sana’a province which are funded by United Arab Emirates State.The President also ordered to finalize procedures of the second and third Marib gas-powered plants with a total capacity of 800MW and to construct the gas pipeline from Marib to Ma’abar oft Dhamar governorate in synchronization with setting up Ma’abar gas-powered plant of 400MW capacity.Saleh gave his orders to Ministries of Oil and Minerals and Electricity to finalize the technical arrangements for the project of Balhaf power plant of 400 – 500 MW capacity to cover the energy’s demands of the eastern governorates for the coming ten years, in addition to the 50 MW electrical energy to be provided by the accompanying gas in Hadramout valley.He affirmed the importance of opening up the opportunities before the private sector to develop the energy sector and forming a suitable mechanism to help reaching this goal.During the meeting, the Premier reviewed a number of the projects of the energy sector that worth to over $1.2 billion.In this regard, President Saleh emphasized the importance of speeding up works to execute those projects and setting up a timetable of implementation phases and the deadlines.The cabinet continued its meeting, affirming on carrying out the President’s directives and setting mechanisms for putting them in effect.The cabinet prompted all ministries benefiting from the foreign financings to review the timetable of the projects and finalize their executive units.On another hand, the cabinet also dealt with the ruining works and riot carried out by lawless elements in some districts in the southern and eastern governorates, affirming that those works would never effect the national unification because it is protected by Allah, and then people and the country constitutional bodies.The cabinet confirmed that all those lawless elements involved in the ruining sabotage acts would be brought to court.The cabinet’s meeting was devoted for discussing the electrical energy situation and the underway projects or those to be implemented for enhancing the productive capacity to meet the electrical energy’s growing demands all over the country.BA/AF