President holds talks with German FM in Berlin

BERLIN,- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met on Monday with the German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier in Berlin.
In the meeting they discussed mutual relations and bilateral cooperation and means of developing the cooperation between the two friendly countries.
The meeting pointed out to the regional and international developments in Iraq and Palestine. They discussed also issues related to peace process in the region, Iranian nuclear file and the international efforts exerted for combating terror.
Saleh spoke favorably over Yemeni-German relationships, appreciating the German support for democracy in the country.
He also affirmed the importance of German role in settling security in the region, pointing out that Israel must abide by the international justice decisions for fair peace would settle security for Israel and the region in general.
“Iran and any other Arabic or Islamic country have the right to possess nuclear energy for the sake of peaceful purpose. The Middle East should be free from nuclear weapons, Israel in the first rank.” President Saleh said.
The German Foreign Minister praised the strong relations between the two countries, expressing thank you for the Yemeni government for peaceful freeing the German hostages in Shabwa governorate.
He pointed out that the German government has not taken any travel warns for its citizens who want to travel to Yemen.