President launches Sheba, Yamania satellite channels

ANA’A, March 19 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh launched on Wednesday Sheba and Yamania Satellite Channels. President Saleh listened from officials of the channels about their sections and plans. He also paid visits to the new studios at premises of the TV and the two satellite channels getting aquatinted with the new equipments and human resources. During his talks with officials of the channels, president Saleh announced March 19th as the Day for the Yemeni Media to reward creative peoples in all the media outlets. He gave orders to set up two other channels; news channel and religious channel, pointing out that the religious channel might be broadcasted from Hadramout, Aden, Taiz or Dhamar. President Saleh also indicated to the care of the state for media and to follow up new changes in the world, saying that the media outlets should play their role in deepening national unity and spreading out principles of tolerance, brotherhood and love of the nation. He urged the newspapers to be accurate in dealing with news and to make sure from credibility of what they publish as some newspapers damaged reputation of the country and its ties with some neighboring countries. He also asked the media to spread awareness among the society about risks of insecticide used in growing Qat and other issues related to the health of the people. AH/AF Saba