President receives Sana’a, Dhalea local councils members

SANA’A, Oct. 29 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Thursday members of the local councils in each of Sana’a and Dhalea governorates. The meeting discussed cooperation aspects regarding local development and exchanging experiences as well as development process in the two governorates, in addition to coordination between the two councils with respect to development and service projects. Saleh got acquainted, during the meeting, with the prepared matrix by Dhalea governor which was approved by the cabinet. The matrix includes the council’s service and developmental plans and activities. The two councils discussed three hubs of which the first hub focuses on the financial and administrative reforms and exchanging expertise. Members of the two local councils in Sana’a and Dhalea expressed rejection for the destruction and terror acts committed by Houthi rebels in Saada governorate. For his part, President Saleh pointed out that the local authorities in the governorates gain wide jurisdictions enabling them to perform their tasks and responsibilities to solve citizen’s issues. He affirmed the importance for the local councils to benefit from the social dignities to have them share in the development process and solving people’s issues, and to find out solutions for those outlaw elements. Saleh noted that he directed concerned bodies to insert projects of the two local councils in the state plan, specially those projects on the necessary requirements for citizens to serve developmental goals in the two governorates. He affirmed the significance of the local authority and security systems in Dhalea governorate to fulfill their tasks in tracking down on outlaw elements and arrest them to face justice. President also urged citizens and social personalities to cooperate with the local authority to help keep peace, security and stability, affirming that criminals will not be able to skip justice and will stand trial soon. AM/AM Saba