President Saleh and Emir Hamad discus the latest developments in the

DOHA, Qatar, July 30 (Saba)-President Ali Abdullah Saleh arrived in Doha capital of Qatar in a short visit. President Saleh and Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani hold talks on the latest developments in the region especially the Israeli mascaras against the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples. Upon departure President Saleh said that the visit deals with the latest regional developments and the new massacre Qana committed by Israel against civilians that left tens of children, women dead, while the international community is turning the deaf ear towards what is going in Lebanon and Palestine. President Saleh added that they will consult and coordinate the Arab stances to come out with a unified position to stop the Israeli aggression againstPalestinian and Lebanese peoples. He called the international community on top of them the Security Council permanent members to intervene urgently to stop the Israeli aggression and massacres. Saleh added that said that the continuation of the Israeli aggression would raise tension in the region and lead to dangerous crisis. The region will not witness peace, if there is no fair and just peace based on international resolution related to the Arab-Israeli conflictas well as setting up the independent Palestinian state and Al-Quds is its capital. President Saleh said that his visit that came in response to an invitation from Qatari Amir will discuss relations of mutual cooperation betweenthe two countries. AH/TN SABA