President Saleh hails unity achievements, promises more in nation speech

SANA’A, May 21(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh addressed on Sunday evening the Yemenis, Arab and Islamic nations as well as the world on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of Yemeni Unification, 22 May 1990.

The following is his nation address:


Praise be to Allah, may prayers and peace be upon the prophet Mohammad.

Dear fellow citizens inside and outside Yemen,

Personnel of the armed and security forces in the nationwide,

It is my pleasure on this great occasion of our people history to express to you best wishes and congratulations on the 16th Anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Yemen and the achievement of the homeland reunification which was a historical and national accomplishment declared on the 22nd of May 1990 coinciding with a critical situation when many nations and homelands were witnessing separation and division.

While we celebrate on this dear national occasion, we rejoice on the big accomplishments and great victories which were achieved in all walks of
life after revolution, unity, struggle and sacrifices of our one Yemeni nation.

Dear Fellow Citizens,

The elapse of sixteen years since the establishment of the Republic of Yemen is considered a short time in term of time calculation, but great in term of history and accomplishments in spite of all difficulties and challenges that faced the homeland during those years.

It is the right of our people to be proud of what was achieved on the path of the build up of the modern state and its constitutional institutions, the progress of economic and development construction, the openness of wide horizons for future development and investment in addition to the pioneering example the homeland has achieved in democracy based on multi-party system, freedom of opinion, freedom of the press, women participation and respect of human rights.

We are proud that we have committed since early time to the democratic policy and comprehensive reforms based on a solid conviction and free national will. We believed that reforms are emanated from inside the homeland and meet needs of our people whose confidence is being increased frequently with the importance of democracy as a national irreversible option and best civilized mean for construction and progress in the homeland.

The reforms march in our country has achieved advanced strides in the different fields of politics, democracy, legislation, justice, finance, administration, education and others within the framework of the national interests.

On the politics field there is a vision for the achievement of further development for the legislative, consultative, executive and judicial authorities with the aim of deepening democratic practices and widening participation in decision making.

For this purpose, the consultative council (Shura) would be expanded to play a
role with the legislative authority and develop judicial apparatuses and enhance their role for the interest of justice.

The judicial authority law has been amended recently to guarantee the reformation of the supreme judicial council.

On enhancing freedom of the press and media, we are working for the development
of the press and publications law and improving status of journalists.

We reiterate on the importance of the role played by the press and the civil society organizations to enrich the democratic experience.

In regard to women many strides have been achieved with the aim of increasing
their effective participation in the political field, public life, development construction and giving them more opportunities in occupying leading posts in the government including membership in parliament, consultative council and cabinet.

In regard to local councils, we have worked and still working to enhance their role in the management of local affairs and provision of services for citizens in an embodiment of financial and administrative decentralization.

Due to tangible successes by local councils during the last periods they would be provided additional authorities of the central authority in the field of services of the administrative units
We are looking forward that the fourth conference of the local councils due next June would come out with positive results that would enhance the role of the local authority in the coming period.

On the economic, financial and administrative reforms, great successes have been achieved to correct shortcomings in the economic field and pushing it forward for the interpretation of the aspired goals and achieving progress and prosperity of the homeland and improving the living standards of citizens through development programmes and plans.

Implementation of the third five-year development plan (2006-2010) has started. The plan was merged with the national strategy to combat poverty.

A number of laws and legislations on taxes’ reduction, customs, trade and companies were issued for further integration of our national economy with the regional and world economy.

The investment law was also developed. A new form was established to merge
the Yemen Free Zones Authority with the General Investment Authority in
addition the establishment of the Lands Survey and Urban Planning Authority
with the aim of providing further facilities for investors.

The financial law was issued. Necessary measures were adopted to develop competence of banks, the establishment of the financial market, the issuance
of the corruption combat law, amending the tenders and procurement law and the establishment of an independent organization with wide authorities responsible of tenders affairs consisting of well qualified and competent figures with the aim of achieving more transparency and protecting public fund.

In regard to the achievements in the administrative reforms field the wages and salaries law was approved to improve the living standards of the state employees in the civil and military sectors.

A new system was adopted at the civil service ministry for the development of the data and information base, ending double jobs and increasing the administrative discipline level.

Dear Fellow Citizens

The tasks of construction and its challenges are not simple. Our country still has many concerns, especially the development concern for which all efforts should be consolidated to achieve goals of economic progress and improve the living standards of citizens.

No one can deny what have been achieved through devoted efforts either in the building up of the state institutions, prevalence of law and order, achievement of justice and social integration, achievement of the welfare of citizens and improvement of their living standards including education and health, or in the development field including sectors of roads, electricity, water, health, communications, water dams and social welfare.

We direct the government to focus on finding out projects that insure reduction of unemployment and creating jobs for the largest number of the labor forces. This could be achieved through the implementation of strategic road projects, establishment of agricultural projects, distribution of lands for young people for rehabilitation, offering citizens soft loans for the establishment of small and medium projects that would provide them with job opportunities.

To achieve this purpose, an amount of (20) billion rial was allocated at the Bank of Development Agriculture and Housing.

We are looking forward to see the day when there would be no one unemployed
in our country. We also focus on youths and human development and the expansion of more technical and vocational institutes and providing them with necessary
equipment and well-qualified people that would serve goals of development.

Studies should be prepared to resolve the problem of water reservation
shortage in some areas. On this regard, we direct the government to establish
a share-holding company for the establishment of a sea water distillation
station in Mokha to meet needs of Taiz city and its suburbs.

Discussion is also underway with the Japanese friends to implement a future project for the distillation of the Red Sea water in order to supply water to the capital Sana’a and its suburbs.

Dear Fellow Citizens

Our country is being prepared for holding the presidential and local councils elections during the coming few months. Preparations are underway to hold the election in democratic, honest and safe atmospheres and in an absolute transparency.

We are confident that our people would participate in this big democratic event successfully as they did in the past.
On this occasion we call upon everyone in the homeland, especially political
parties and organizations to honestly compete with programs in order to gain public trust through ballots which will always remain the sole way to embody the principle of the peaceful succession of power.

We reiterate that the Supreme Election and Referendum Committee should hold its responsibility in following up all measures related to the election process according to the constitution and law.

On this occasion, we renew the call for all civil society organizations to participate along with international observers in the observation of the presidential and local councils elections to ensure the safety and honesty of the election.

Dear fellow citizens

Our celebrations on the national day in the city of Hodeidah this year coincides with the inauguration of many development projects. Inauguration and laying down foundation stones for 2726 service and development projects that will cost YR 321 billion. Our people need to see accomplishments in order to achieve progress.

It is time that everyone should concentrate on work and production by focusing on the battle of economic development as the first significant battle of the homeland that all should take part in an enthusiastic and competent manner.

Thanks to Almighty Allah, the future is promising, especially in light of security and stability and new oil explorations which would be announced shortly in addition to the commencement of the export of liquefied gas from Belhaf port in 2008 Inshallah which would boost the national economy.

Dear Fellow Citizens
Dear Fellow Arabs and Muslims

Each success achieved internally is integrated with the external political work with the aim of enhancing and developing Yemen relations and partnership with others based on common interests and mutual benefits.

We are happy for our country foreign policy which achieved during the last period tangible successes to cement Yemen relations with brothers and friends and enhance its position and role at the different regional, national and international levels. This also includes what have been achieved during our visits we paid to South Korea, Japan, the United States of America and France last year and China and Pakistan recently, in addition to the participation in many Arab, Islamic and regional summits.

The government has put the development and economic issues on the top of its priorities, in addition to attracting investments, finding out financial funds for services and development projects. Good results were achieved in this field.

In regard to Yemen stances towards Arab, Islamic and international issues, we will remain committed to the national solid principles and Arab and Islamic rights. Our country efforts were fruitful in enhancing the Arab League role including the regular holding of Arab summits and contributing to the development of the joint Arab and Islamic work.

On this occasion we renew our call for the establishment of an Arab Union taking benefits from the existing regional and international blocks in order to bolster the nation capabilities to confront challenges and interpret the national aspirations in creating a better Arab future.

Our country has also achieved tangible successes in the field of terror combat and boosting its partnership with the international community in this area.

A number of Al-Qaeda members who were arrested were tried and some of them were released recently after they spent their sentences.

In addition to the positive results which were achieved through the enlightened intellectual dialogue conducted by a number of moderate religious scholars with misled youths who were not proved guilty in violent acts. They were released after their thoughts were corrected and their wrong concepts were eliminated in order to become good citizens who abide by the constitution and law.

Dear brothers,

While we follow up the sorrowful developments in Palestine we reiterate the Palestinian people right to return to their homeland and the establishment of their independent state on their national soil with its capital the Holy Al-Quds.

We call on the international community to respect the will of the Palestinian
people and their democratic choice by lifting the economic embargo imposed
on them. We also reiterate on the necessity of commitment to the Arab
peace initiative and the implementation of the relevant international
legitimacy resolutions in order to achieve the comprehensive and just
peace in the region.

In regard to the developments in Iraq, we renew our call to all brotherly
Iraqi people to work for the enhancement of their national unity and contribution
in creating a better future in light of a democratic, free and unified
Iraq and ending the foreign occupation of Iraq in order to return an effective
member in its Arab and regional arena and serves its nation issues.

While we express satisfaction over efforts exerted by our country to help achieve Somali reconciliation so that every one should focus on the build up of the Somali state institutions and the reconstruction of this brotherly country, we express regrets for the recent events witnessed in the capital Mogadishu.

We urge all parties to resort to dialogue and understanding. We will continue our support for all efforts exerted for maintaining security, stability and peace in Somalia.

We renew our call for the international community, the Organization of African Union and the Arab League to fulfill their commitments to provide financial support for the Somali government in order to carry out their tasks and duties and serve the Somali people and their aspirations.

We reiterate and renew our support and stand with the brotherly Sudan for maintaining peace in Darfur.

We call on the international community to support the Sudanese government efforts exerted on this issue away from any intervention in the internal affairs of the Sudan or harming its sovereignty or unity.

Dear Fellow Citizens

Personnel of the Armed and Security Forces,

The blessed unity was achieved to remain strong and solid forever protected by the people and the armed and security forces following its achievement by the people dear sacrifices and struggle. Unity was achieved by the whole nation without any exceptions. No force on earth or any individual or individuals who lost their illegitimate rights can harm the homeland unity and its democratic policy which was bolstered by the giving and scarf ices of all loyal and free Yemenis on top of whom personnel of the armed and security forces.

The armed and security forces form a big national institution and will remain a symbol for the national unity and the honest guard of the homeland accomplishments, sovereignty, security and stability and the defender of the accomplishments of the revolution, the republic, unity and democracy.

On this dear occasion, we express greetings and appreciation for all heroic fighters in the armed and security forces and for all efforts they rendered for the sake of the homeland, its unity, security and stability.

We reiterate that they keep receiving care and support in an appreciation of their sacrifices and good giving.

We will continue to build up and modernize the defensive and security institution, providing it with all capabilities, state-of-art equipment in order to increase its competence to fulfill its duties at different circumstances.

Once again we renew best wishes and congratulations on this great and dear occasion. We pray to Almighty Allah to bless the homeland martyrs.
I wish all the best for everyone in this country.

Happy New Year

May Peace and Mercy of God be Upon You.