President Saleh meets GPC officials in Riyadh

RIYADH, Aug. 11 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh met on Wednesday with a number of officials and leaders of the General People Congress (GPC) in his Saudi royal residence in Riyadh.During the meeting, the GPC’s officials congratulated President Saleh, Parliament Speaker Yahya al-Rae’i and Prime Minister Ali Mujawar for their recovery and on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan.The president reviewed with the GPC’s officials the political, economic and security situations in the country and the last developments at the Arab and international levels concerning the current crisis in Yemen.They also touched on the Security Council’s statement issued Tuesday that called all sides in Yemen to reject violence and show maximum restraint.Saleh asserted the GPC’s commitment to seek solutions for the disagreement issues with the opposition. He underlined the significance of keeping on the positive dealing with the Gulf initiative and to look for the appropriate mechanism to be carried out and to ensure peaceful and smooth transfer of power in accordance with the constitution.The president valued highly the great attitudes the majority of the Yemeni people have showed to reject violence, coup against constitutional legitimacy and public order disturbance.He also renewed his highly appreciation of the brotherly stances of the Saudi leadership, government and people.AF