President Saleh receives letter from Khamenei

SANA’A, Jan. 05 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh received here on Saturday the Iranian delegation headed by the member of the Iranian Shoura Council Mhamoud Madani, the head of Yemeni-Iranian Parliamentary Friendship Committee and the deputy Chief of the Board of Trustees of al-Quds Foundation Ali Akbar Muhtashimi, whom conveyed a letter to the president from the Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and president Ahmadinejad. The letter was related to the brotherly mutual relations and fields of joint cooperation between Yemen and Iran in addition to the condolences of the Iranian leadership and people to the President and the Yemeni people on the death of the parliament speaker Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hussein al-Ahmar. President Saleh confirmed the keenness of Yemen on advancing its ties with Iran to achieve the common interests of the two countries’ peoples. He asked the Iranian envoy to convoy his good wishes to the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and to president Ahmadinejad. TD/AF Saba