President Saleh to participate in Libya summits

SANA’A, Oct. 08 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh headed Friday for Libya to head the Yemeni delegation to an extraordinary Arab summit and an Arab-African summit to be held in the Libyan city of Sirte. The Arab summit, to be held on Saturday, is to discuss the findings of the Arab five-country committee, which was formed in the 22nd Arab summit, on the development of the joint Arab work in the light of the Arab perceptions and proposals made in this regard, particularly Yemen’s initiative for the establishment of an Arab Union. In addition, the Arab leaders will discuss a number of important issues, including the policy of Arab neighborhood and the establishment of a regional neighborhood association as well as the latest developments on the Palestinian arena and the future of the peace process in the region in light of the Palestinian – Israeli peace negotiations and the Israeli intransigence by continuing to build settlements in the West Bank. In a statement to Saba, President Saleh expressed his happiness to visit Libya and to participate in these summits. “We are looking forward this extraordinary Arab summit to present better resolutions and results, to be a positive extension of the recent Arab summit’s resolutions”, he said. Saleh went on to say that this summit is important because of the important topics and issues that will be discussed, ‘’whether related to the development of the joint Arab work or related to the policy of Arab neighborhood and the establishment of a regional neighborhood and an Arab neighborhood association, in addition to the Palestinian issue and the peace process in the region, particularly in light of the challenges facing the peace process and the Israeli intransigence and arrogance that reject all options for peace “. “There are also political, economic and security challenges imposed on the Arab nation, including terrorist acts and threats of al-Qaeda which require concerted efforts to address them as terrorism is a serious international threat”, he said. The President also said that he will participate in the 2nd Arab-African summit to be held in Sirte on Sunday, for discussing ways to develop areas of Arab-African cooperation, including the strengthening of political coordination and the development and expansion of economic social and cultural cooperation between Arab and African countries. YA Saba