President’s mandate decree is still valid, VP says

SANA’A, Oct. 04 (Saba) – Vice President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi has confirmed that the mandate decree of President Ali Abdullah Saleh to him to hold dialogue and sign the Gulf initiative “is still valid”.During a telephone call from British Prime Minister’s counterterrorism adviser Alan Robin, Hadi said that the dialogue with the opposition parties is in progress, expecting to reach a final agreement on the pending issues in the coming few days.Hadi discussed with Robin several issues of common concerns, topped by the ongoing dialogue with the opposition on the executive mechanism of the Gulf-brokered initiative.Issues on the joint efforts to combat terrorism were also touched on in the phone call, in addition to the aid Britain could offer to Yemen under the current circumstances.Robin asserted his country’s readiness to provide the necessary assistance to Yemen in the economic and development fields, stressing that Britain and the world is concerned about Yemen’s security and stability.AF