Saada Governor inspects displaced conditions

SAADA, March 08 (Saba) – Saada Governor Taha Hajir inspected on Monday al-Jabana camp of displaced people in Saada which includes 800 families from the various districts of the province. During his visit, Hajir was briefed by the camp official on the conditions of the camp and the displaced people and their needs as well as the difficulties facing the camp management. The governor pointed that the difficulties would be addressed and all needs and services would be provided to the camp. He emphasized the concerned authorities and the humanitarian organization to explore the concerns of displaced people and provide their needs and the requirements of the camp and improve the medical services in the camp. According to Saada Governor, the number of the displaced people has reached 300,000 people in the different camps. Earlier in last month, President Ali Abdullah Saleh decided to halt the military operations in Saada after the rebels had announced their acceptance to the government’s six conditions and the mechanism to implement them. The ceasefire has come to prevent bloodshed and bring peace into the region and it is conditional upon the commitment of the insurgents to implementing the conditions on the ground. Saada has witnessed a sporadic six-year war between the government troops and al-Houthi rebels since 2004. The last round of the war was erupted in August 2009. BA Saba