Saleh chairs Cabinet Meeting

SANA’A, Aug. 17 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh chaired on Tuesday the meeting of the Cabinet that focused on discussing issues related to the financial, economic and administrative situations in the country. It also discussed the efforts in accelerating development and boosting investment and oil, gas and minerals exploration and production. He talked to the meeting asking the government to dot its best to address the current economic situation and take necessary measures to restructure the public spending including holding unnecessary expenditure such as luxuries and those for building offices. He said the government should address the financial indicators during the fist half of this year and follow up the austerity program. Saleh also ordered to develop non-oil sectors such as fish, tourism, agriculture and telecommunication as well as contacting donors to release pledges made during the 2006 London Conference. The government should also improve the investment climate and eliminate all roadblocks facing the flow of foreign investments into the country; conduct feasibility studies for projects and offering them to investors; and stick to the reform program agreed with the International Monetary Fund for financing the state budge deficit, he said. He asked to improve the government’s performance and activate supervision to hold negligent officials accountable and fight corruption. Moreover, President Saleh urged the government to coordinate with Parliament to accelerate approving agreements for development and reforms and the security systems to face terrorism and vandalism. FRSaba