Saleh inspects final arrangements in 20th Gulf Cup stadiums

APIAN, Nov. 20 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh paid on Saturday a visit to Apian governorate, inspecting the final arrangements in al-Wihdah stadium, which will host some football matches of 20 Gulf Cup championship.The president inspected some facilities of the 23,000-cabicity stadium.Saleh hailed the great sport facility and all the efforts made to build all the projects pertaining to the 20 Gulf Cup championship to be held in Aden and Apian governorates.The President talked about the necessity to set up the plans required to maintain the grand sport facilities to benefit sport in Yemen, in general. He asserted the significance to mobilize all efforts to succeed the events of 20 Gulf Cup, praising the eagerness of the citizens to create a suitable atmosphere to show the best image of Yemen and to make the championship successful.Saleh visited also the operation room of Apian governorate specialized to secure the 20 Gulf Cup’s events. He listened from the Defense Minister Mohammed Nasser Ahmed to an explanation on the security procedures and arrangements to secure the 20th Gulf Cup. The President saluted the efforts made by the military and security apparatuses in this regard.Moreover, President Saleh paid an inspection visit to the Tilal Club’s stadium in Hoqat area in Aden governorate, which will host a number of the 20 Gulf Cup’s matches.The President also met with the officials and members of National Team’s mission. He urged them to play well and to win the championship to make the dream of the 25 million Yemenis come true.He prompted them to compete honorably with their brothers from Gulf and Iraq, saying that the 20th Gulf Cup was a challenge to Yemen in contesting time to make the sport facilities ready completely for the championship.Finally, the president wished all the best to the players, saying “our hearts are with you in this championship and others you compete in”.The 20th Gulf Cup football championship will kick off on Monday, November 22, in Aden province and is due to end on December 5.The participating nations of the championship include six Arab Gulf states, Iraq and the host Yemen.AF/AF