Saleh pardons convicted journalists

TAIZ, May 22 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh pardoned on Saturday all journalists on trial and those sentenced due to public right cases. The pardon was granted as the president attended the festival organized on the 20th anniversary of unification in the western province of Taiz. In his address to the nation on the eve of Unification Day, Saleh ordered to release all detainees held in connection with the Houthi rebellion in the far north, which ended in February this year, and the rioting in some southern provinces. We hope the released learn from the pardon to be good community assets, he said. Early today, President Saleh and Vice President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi attended the youth and student festival organized on the occasion in Taiz. Parliament Speaker Yahya al-Ra’e, Prime Minister Ali Mujawar, Shura Chairman Abdul Aziz Abdul Ghani, head of the Supreme Judicial Council Esma al-Samawi, president advisors, a number of lawmakers and Shura members, military and party leaders and Yemen guests from Egypt, Oman and other foreign countries attended the event as well. At the festival, Taiz Governor Khalid Hamoud al-Soufi delivered a speech saying that the national unity of Yemen is very strong and many giant achievements have been made under it. The unity has never been a point of controversy even in the peak of separation ages, he said. Moreover, he pointed to President Saleh’s initiatives for holding a national dialogue to address the country’s crucial issues. In this regard, the governor said: we, various political and intellectual forces in Yemen, should manage our disagreements through a responsible dialogue within the unity and constitution. FRSaba