Saleh receives letter form French counterpart

SANA’A, July 25 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh received here on Sunday a letter from his French counterpart President Nicolas Sarkozy.In the letter, President Sarkozy renewed the supportive position of France towards Yemen’s unity, security and stability as well as supporting Yemen’s development.The French President also hailed the steady growth in the Yemeni-French mutual cooperation relations, particularly in energy area which resulted in making France the first investor in Yemen via the finalizing of liquefying and exporting gas project, YLNG.The project is considered as a vital key to the development, which will enable Yemen to join the major countries exporting natural gas.The security cooperation between Yemen and France, particularly in fields of training the marine and coastguard forces was also highlighted in the letter.Sarkozy welcomed the expectant visit of President Saleh to France for discussing issues concerning the two countries.FJ/AF