Saleh: The time of coups, chaos ,creative anarchy has gone

SANA’A, Feb.16(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Wednesday that the time of coups, chaos and creative anarchy has gone. This came in his speech during his meeting with members of Parliament and the Shura Council, as well as the local council’s members, sheikhs, dignitaries, and leaders of parties, youth and civil society organizations in Hajjah province. In his speech, Saleh welcomed the attendants from Hajjah province, praising their standing by the constitutional legitimacy against the coup elements, who preferred the coup against the revolution, republic, freedom and unity. He thanked the large gatherings of all honest people of Yemen who aborted the planned coup against the constitutional legitimacy. “Anybody wants to reach the power, he should pass through the ballot boxes, which are the only way, but not chaos ,wrong mobilization and irresponsible utterance via media”, Saleh added. A number of the attendants talked during the meeting, announcing their support to the President Saleh’s brave and national initiative on reforms and dialogue. They reiterated the covenant and loyalty to the country and their standing against advocates of sedition, sabotage and chaos and against anyone who wants to tear the country. In this regard, they noted that Yemen has a pluralistic democratic order ,in which everyone competes by programs to gain the masses’ confidence. They pointed out that the way of change and access to power can not come through the chaos and destruction, but through respecting the will of the people and the ballot box. In addition, they confirmed their intention to partake in massive marches organized by the people in different provinces to express their rejection of the chaos and violence ,and their standing by the homeland’s security, stability, unity and constitutional legitimacy. Moreover, they dealt with many needs and demands of service and developmental projects needed by the different areas of the province. At the meeting, President Saleh discussed with the attendants a number of issues and developments at the national arena, as well as the issues that concern to the citizens. BA Saba