Sultan Qaboos receives letter from Saleh

MUSCAT, Nov. 23 (Saba)- Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said al Said received Monday in Muscat Commander of the Republican Guards Ahmed Ali Saleh who handed him over a letter from President Ali Abdullah Saleh over the bilateral relations between the two countries and fields of joint cooperation. The letter also shed lights on means of reinforcing ties of the two countries and dealt with the most important issues at the Arab and regional level of concern to both countries. Saleh also met with the Royal Office Minister Ali al-Ma’amari and talked with him about a number of related issues to developing and reinforcing the bilateral relations between Yemen and Oman for the interest of the two countries peoples and stability of the region. The Republican Guards Commander expressed satisfaction for the distinguished relations of Yemen and Oman, praising the fraternal and national stances of Oman in supporting Yemen unity, security and stability. AM/AM Saba