We are committed to the GCC-brokered initiative, President Saleh says

SANA’A, Nov. 25 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Friday that he had signed the GCC initiative to thwart the success of conspiratorial schemes against the country and its republican system and national unity and democracy. The President said also that the signing of the initiative was to thwart conspiratorial schemes plotted against Yemen and other Arab countries, adding the signing was also to avoid Yemen war, destruction, bloodshed and the slide into chaos. ‘’The signing of the GCC initiative and its operational mechanism is a victory for all people’’, Saleh said in a congratulations cable sent to Yemen’s army and security forces on the advent of the new Hijri year, 1433. He looked forward to see all parties positively to deal with the initiative and not to shun it. The President reiterated his strong commitment to the GCC initiative and its mechanism in order to end the political crisis peacefully and avoid the country wars and bloodshed. Saba