Yemen and Saudi Arabia further steps on economic partnership

Riyadh, Aug. 16 (Saba)-Minister of Industry and Trade Dr. Khaled Rajeh Sheikh and Minister of Public Health and population Dr. Mohammed Yahya Al-Naeimi, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigatrion Eng. Hassan Omer Suwaid are visiting nowadays Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to meet with their counterparts to discusse mutual cooperation issues between the two fraternal countries levels in general and trade exchange and marketing of agricultural products in particular that serve common interests of the two countries. The visit comes as a response to President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s directives aims to strengthen and extending economic cooperation between Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The Yemeni officials met with their Saudi counterparts and held discussions this evening at the conference palace in Riyadh . During the meeting they discussed mechanisms of activating trade exchange activities between the two countries, especially in sectors of agriculture, health and industry, and how to encourage industrial investments between the tow sides in addition to other issues of common concern. The meeting was attended from Yemeni side by Yemeni embassy charge d’ affairs Salem Abdul Samad Ba Wazir and from the Saudi side by Minister of Trade and Industry Dr. Hashim Bin Abdullah Yemani, Minister of Health Dr. Hamad Bin Abdullah al-Man’a, Minister of Agriculture Dr. Fahd Bin Abdul Rahman Balqanim and a number of Saudi senior officials. NN/TN SABA