President attends graduation ceremony in Police College

SANA’A, Dec.16 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh attended here on Wednesday at the Police College the graduation ceremony of 21st batch of Master degree holders in police sciences and a number of training courses in the Police Academy. In the ceremony, Prime Minister Ali Mujawar delivered a speech in which he welcomed the president and congratulated the graduates on the success they have achieved in the disciplines they have joined during the study period. In his speech, Mujawar valued the fruitful efforts exerted by the academy administrators and teachers of the specializing training courses, indicating the strong will of the political leadership to build and modernize the armed forces and security at all levels. Mujawar affirmed that the field facts of battles with the insurgents in some districts of Saada province indicate the qualitative developments and efficiency of the armed forces and security units in dealing with these criminal elements. He said that these new graduates of the police academy would contribute with their academic knowledge and experiences to strengthening the security institution role and achieving its goals to maintain security, stability and social peace. “The crime is no longer associated with self-motivations … instead, it has dangerous ramifications beyond the limits of targeting individuals to target the society and the nation as a whole”, said Mujawar adding that this is precisely reflected in the acts of the rebels in Saada province and the subversive elements that fall under the so-called Southern movement. BA Saba