President: local councils will attain all central privileges by 2010

ADEN, Dec. 04(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met on Monday in Aden, with heads, secretaries general and members of local councils in the provinces of Aden, Abyan, Lahj and al-Dala’a. He delivered a speech in which he expressed happiness to meet with the officials of the local councils, particularly after the recent presidentialand local elections. President Saleh called upon them to take care of their future tasks to implement the pledged platform they talked about prior to elections.”local forces are considered as local governments, regardless of the names,”said president Saleh, making clear that ” local power would attain allprivileges by 2010. He noted that local councils achieved good results in the previous years, hoping that they would exert further efforts to accomplish more and bettersuccesses. President urged members of the local councils to focus on service projects and then to improve cities and protect environment. He said that local power has not removed photos of elections campaigns as it was mentioned in elections law. He elaborated that “coming within the priorities of the next period is fighting corruption and unemployment and reinforcing development process in the country.” President concluded his speech by re-reminding local councils’ officialsand members that the country is waiting them to give and leave real trace on the ground in regulating and increasing development projects, whichin turn would help boosting up the standard of living. AM/AH SABA