President Saleh visits al-Qahira castle in Taiz

SANA’A, Sept. 14 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh paid a visit on Wednesday to the historical al-Qahira Castle in Taiz province.

The officials of the province briefed the president Saleh on the restoring works in the castle which cost about YR 800 million.

The castle has been built before Islam and restored by Al-Raslyah State 800 years ago to be the palace of the king Al-Mudafar Yosif bin Amr Mohammad Ali Rasol.

The al-Qahira Castle locates in the bottom of Sabir Mountain which overlooks Taiz city.

President Saleh appreciated efforts being exerted to protect historical and tourist sites in the country, saying that the al-Qahira castle is like “architectural statue” reflecting creativity of the old Yemeni human.

Then, the president visited Taiz Tourist Park, Sabir Mountain, Sheikh Zayid Esplanade where he affirmed the importance of tourism for the national economy, urging to supply all tourism facilities with required services.