President visits Abyan province

ABYAN, May 15 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh paid a visit on Saturday to Abyan province. During his visit, President Saleh opened officially the Alwahdah Cement Factory in Batis area, Abyan province and toured in the factory, which its cost reached USD 220 million. He got acquainted with the progress in the production process and the current production capacity of the factory, which amounts to 800,000 tons annually and will increase to 2.2 million tons. The state encourages the establishment of such plants that provide employment and encourages at the same time to invest in these areas of production, President Saleh point out, and urged the local authority to provide all facilities and care and protection for investors. It is noteworthy that another cement factory being built in the region and will be opened in next September. President Saleh then visited the project of Alwahdah sports stadium in Zinjubar district in Abyan, within the 20th Gulf projects. He was briefed on the progress in the project, which costs YR 12 billion and has a capacity for 20 thousand spectators. About 1700 workers are currently working in the project, while the total completion in it has reached 80 percent. In a statement to media, President Saleh praised the efforts made by the Ministry of Public Works and Roads to complete the project on schedule. “We are happy for completing the project on schedule, and this is good for the projects in Abyan, Aden and Lahj provinces ,where there are 7 to 9 stadiums will be ready for the 20th Gulf Cup”, Saleh said. These projects are accompanied with main roads, which would make it easy for citizens, who would attend the 20th Gulf competition; he added considering these achievements a practical response to those say that Yemen can not organize such big events. During his visit, President Saleh met with the local council and the executive offices in the province. In the meeting, he pointed out that several projects would be opened in the province at a cost of nearly YR 37 billion in addition to putting foundation stones for other important projects at a cost of YR 20 billon, which would serve the development in the province. He called upon the sons of Abyan province and the local authority to withstand the hostile forces of national unity culturally, politically and socially, noting that there are a few individuals have no influence, but abusing the reputation of the sons of Abyan, while the vast majority and the larger public they are soldiers of the unity, development, security and stability. President Saleh praised the achievements made in Abyan province, voicing his hope that the sons of Abyan cooperate with the local authority and the executive office carries out its functions properly. “Each local authority officials should carry out their responsibilities with courage, professionalism and self-confidence”, President Saleh stressed. He pointed to the importance of working to reduce unemployment and fight poverty through attracting investment and encouraging investors.. “We need to encourage investors and protect them in order to provide employment opportunities for all young people unemployed in all provinces”, he explained. He added “there are men, who are honest and brave, and there are also women in all provinces, who have courage. Women are sisters of men and a half of the community.” Concluding his speech, President Saleh greeted the excellent performance in Abyan province in the service, developmental, cultural and social and security aspects. BA Saba