Yemen and Saudi Arabia agree that security is a common responsibility

SANA’A, September 22 (Saba) – Foreign Minister Dr Abu Bakr al-Qirbi highly appreciated on Wednesday the good recommendations came out from President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s visit to Saudi Arabia.

” The visit was fruitful and successful “,al-Qirbi told the 26 September-net.Al-Qirbi added that president Saleh congratulated the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz on occasion of Saudi people pledge of allegiance to him as a king for the kingdom, confirming Yemen’skeen interest to develop and broaden its relations with Saudi Arabia.

“The Yemeni-Saudi summit confirmed that the their governments agree that security is a common responsibility, and mutual cooperation in fieldis essential to serve the common interests of the two countries.” al-Qirbi said.

He added that the two sides agreed to promote and develop investments and joint projects among Yemeni and Saudi businessmen.
” The summit shed lights on Yemen’s relations with Gulf Cooperation Council and how to could develop these relations and cooperation to serve the interests of all Arab peninsula countries” al-Qirbi added.